About Vareregisteret

The Norwegian Pharmacy Association and the three wholesalers Alliance Healthcare Norge AS, Apotek 1 Gruppen AS and Norsk Medisinaldepot AS agreed to establish a common article number register for the pharmaceutical sector in May 2001. This register includes with few exceptions all products sold through pharmacies, and contains information necessary for a safe and efficient handling of the products throughout the value chain from manufacturer/supplier, via wholesaler and retailer, to consumer.

Farmalogg is responsible for the operation of Vareregisteret, and resell the register to end users in the pharmaceutical sector (e.g. pharmacies and statistical companies). The company is a joint stock company wholly owned by the Norwegian Pharmacy Association.

The operation of Vareregisteret is carried out in close cooperation with the pharmaceutical wholesalers, the Norwegian Medical Products Agency (NOMA), Helfo and WHO Collaborating Centre for Drugs Statistics Methodology. The information on the products listed in Vareregisteret is processed on data files that are sent between these partners.

Vareregisteret is updated the 1. and the 15. each month and distributed to pharmacies, pharmaceutical wholesalers and other recipients.


Farmalogg AS | Slemdalsveien 1 | Postboks 5070 Majorstuen | 0301 Oslo | Tlf: +47 21 62 02 00 | farmalogg@apotek.no
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